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Shadow Hunters revolves around the lives of 3 supernatural teen girls. A Vampire, A Werewolf and a Witch. They join together to  seek revenge on the demon that wiped out hundreds of lives. Meanwhile a secret government organization that was designed to hunt down and destroy all things supernatural is hot on their trail.


SHadow Hunters #1

Shadow Hunters is the new supernatural comic book that revolves around the lives of 3 teenage girls. As they seek vengence on the dark demon that wiped out hundreds of lives, they encounter both a vast array of darkness that dwell around them and a shadow army that combats it.

Shadow Hunters #2

In this second issue begins the war of the witches!

Shadow Hunters #3

Shadow Hunters #3 focuses on Jessika (Our lovable and sarcastic Werewolf girl), and during her mysterious capture we learn a bit more about who and what she is in this world of monsters. Meanwhile, Jenna actually comes to the aid of the 00 in order to get answers about who took Jessika and if she doesn’t like the answers, the streets will run red.

Shadow Hunters #4

Alone in the dark city street, the vampire Jenna, finds herself facing the hordes of a new enemy... Vampire Ninjas. Find out why she is being hunted by these mercenaries, and discover the secret of her past, her family, and finding a new ally in a unlikely source.

Shadow Hunters Soundtrack

The official soundtrack to the comic book series Shadow Hunters. Songs from this soundtrack were both originally created by inspiration from the comic book. There are also live scenes that were created and were taken straight out from the pages of the comic book. Voice talents include Laura Jansen, and KK Ryder. This is a compilation of dark and moody instrumentals with a collection of hard rocking music that makes for the perfect companion to the comic books. BUY NOW $4.95

Shadow Hunters Tee Shirt

Shadow Hunters Team Shirt! Who doesn't want 3 sexy monster girls on their chest? BUY NOW $14.99

Kill All Monsters Tee Shirt

Hunting Monsters and Loving it! This 00 logo shirt says it all. BUY NOW $14.99

Kill Jessika Kill Tee Shirt

Kill Jessika Kill Tee shirt! Who would want to hurt this green freckled Werewolf Girl? BUY NOW $14.99

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